
JBaseball is an iPhone baseball game. The game uses randomness for gameplay. The user selects what they want to happen and random numbers determine the outcome. The user can build up their team to improve their chances of winning games.

JBaseball Features

  • Easy gameplay lets you play a game quickly whenever you need a distraction!
  • Win games and earn points to improve your team
  • Customize your roster with a team name, player names and lineup
  • Use your points to improve your player skills
  • Earn bonus points when playing which can be used during the game to help you win!
  • When you win games, you earn cards!

Download on the App Store


View and change your roster

Home Run!

Earn cards when you win games

Purchase points to upgrade players or help win games


JBaseball can run on an iPhone or iPad with iOS 14 or greater.

User Guide

For help playing the game, tap on the Help tab within the JBaseball app